Our in-house teams have experience in working with governments to create national insurance systems, have undertaken modeling of Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) in hospitalization and studied healthcare offerings on a national level.

Our teams conduct data collection, actuarial studies, benchmarking, interviews, data analysis, and forecast modeling to create reports read by figures at the highest levels of governance.  These reports have informed policy decisions and resulted in concrete action.


Our teams have implemented telehealth in Lebanon, which connects patients in primary healthcare centers to hospitals and doctors abroad. In this way, our teams created a gatekeeping and referral model while providing quality hospitalization services to remote patients.

PPP in Healthcare

We have introduced a synergy between university hospitals and public hospitals whereby university hospitals lower their costs and expand their business and public hospitals improved their services and their patient turnover

Genomic Sequencing and mHealth

We were among the first to combine the concept of genomic sequencing with mobile healthcare to consolidate personalized [P4] medicine and introduce it to the GCC area with regard to human genome projects.

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